Do you have apps that you would like to deploy to machines by a specific manufacturer?
eg. if you want to deploy Lenovo Vantage only to your lenovo devices,
here is the guide for you.
This is a 2 step task, first thing we have to do, is to make a dynamic group
Make a Dynamic Group for machines by a specific manufacturer
Go to Groups – Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure – Azure Active Directory – Groups
Click on New Gorup
Fill out;
Group Type: Security
Group Name: Intune_All_lenovo_Machines
Membership type: Dynamic Device
and then click on Add dynamic query
Click on Edit
Fill out;
For Lenovo;
(device.deviceOSVersion -startsWith "10.0") -and (device.DeviceOSType -startsWith "Windows") -and (device.managementType -eq "MDM") -and (device.deviceManufacturer -contains "Lenovo")
For HP use instead;
(device.deviceOSVersion -startsWith "10.0") -and (device.DeviceOSType -startsWith "Windows") -and (device.managementType -eq "MDM") -and (device.deviceManufacturer -contains "HP")
And click OK
Click Save
Click Create
Now we have our Dynamic Group Intune_All_lenovo_Machines, which contains only; Windows 10 machines that is enroelled in Intune, and is manufactured by Lenovo.
if we wait a little, some Lenovo devices should start showing up in the group;
if we check one of the devices in the group we can verify it’s a Lenovo machine;
Then you just have to assign the app to a group
You probably already know this part, if not here’s an example with Lenovo Vantage;
Go to Endpoint Manager -> Apps
Click Add, choose Microsoft store app (lenovo Vantage are in the Microsoft Store), and hit Select
Fill Out;
Name: Lenovo Vantage
Description: Whatever you like 🙂
Publisher: Lenovo Inc
Appstore URL:
and whatever else you like, and hit Next
Click Add gorup, search our new gorup Intune_All_Lenovo_Machines, hit select and then Next
Click Create
I have chosen the app to be required for the group on this tennent and it is therefore quickly rolled out to the Lenovo devices